A Non-Invasive Alternative To Fillings
Silver Diamine Fluoride IN MARSHFIELD
Tooth decay is the most common preventable childhood disease. In the US, at least 50% of children will develop a cavity in one of their primary teeth by the age of 11. Making sure that your child’s primary teeth are healthy is essential for the proper formation and eruption of their adult teeth. At Marshfield Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Julie offers Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF), a non-invasive alternative to fillings.

Understanding The Basics
How Does Silver Diamine Fluoride Work?
Silver Diamine Fluoride is a liquid substance composed of silver, ammonia, water, and fluoride. These substances have unique properties that kill cavity-causing bacteria and stop the progression of decay. Dr. Julie will apply the SDF solution directly on the surface of the cavity using a brush. This process can halt tooth decay, making it an ideal option if your child’s primary teeth have cavities.
Is SDF Right For My Child?
When to Consider Silver Diamine Fluoride
SDF is intended to stop the development of cavities and prevent them from getting bigger. However, it is not a restorative treatment, unlike a filling or a crown. This means that SDF cannot be used for very deep, significant cavities, or for broken or infected teeth. SDF is an ideal treatment for children who have small cavities in their primary teeth. During your consultation, Dr. Julie will discuss your child’s needs and help you determine whether this is the right treatment option.
Why Should I Choose SDF?
Understanding the Benefits
Many parents choose SDF because the treatment is totally non-invasive. There are no dental drills or needles required, making this treatment ideal for children who may be fearful of dental instruments. SDF is also more affordable than a traditional filling, and the treatment is much shorter. Though SDF is non-invasive, affordable, and convenient, sometimes a dental filling is the right option. Dr. Julie will assess your child’s teeth to determine which treatment is best for their dental health needs.
The affordable, painless and non-invasive procedure will make your child much more comfortable than if they had to sit for a more invasive restorative treatment like fillings, dental crowns, or pulpotomies.
This is a great option for children with dental anxiety and special needs, who can’t sit for appointments involving dental drills or needles. No physical removal of the cavity is necessary with SDF, so we never need to use a dental drill and we don’t need to use any anesthetic or dental sedation to make your child feel comfortable and pain-free.
The application process is super simple and it only takes a few minutes from start to finish. SDF will keep your child’s teeth healthy and prevent worsening decay that could lead to an infection or tooth loss.
The painless and non-invasive process always ensures that children won’t avoid necessary dental treatment for tooth decay. It has an 80% success rate at arresting cavities when applied twice a year and the FDA-approved solution is considered safe for use in children.

Our Treatment Process
What to Expect During a Silver Diamine Fluoride Treatment
At Marshfield Pediatric Dentistry, we will need your child to come in for a consultation so we can perform an oral exam and take x-rays if necessary to look for signs of tooth decay. SDF is used to treat minor cavities that are in the early stages, so we need to ensure that if there is tooth decay, it hasn’t spread too far.
We may need to clean your child’s teeth if they are due for a dental cleaning before applying SDF. Cotton rolls are used to isolate the tooth from your saliva and a layer of cocoa butter or petroleum jelly is applied to the gums to prevent contact with the SDF solution.
Then, your child’s tooth will be dried through suction or with gauze. The SDF liquid will be painted directly onto the cavity and leave it exposed for about 1 to 2 minutes before setting it with more air. Traditional fluoride varnish may be placed over top depending on the circumstance. This helps to seal the SDF.
Is SDF Treatment
Covered By Insurance?
While many dental insurance plans will cover the cost of SDF, not all do. SDF falls under the code D1354 for insurance coverage so you can provide this code to your insurance to find out if this treatment is covered under your plan.
In the event that your insurance doesn’t cover SDF, the good news is that it’s a very cost-effective treatment that is much more affordable than alternate restorative treatments like fillings. Call us for more information on pricing or to see if your insurance covers this service.

Protect Your Child From Tooth Decay
Schedule an Appointment Today!
Tooth decay is a serious issue, even when it affects your child’s primary teeth. If a decaying baby tooth is left untreated, more serious dental health issues can develop. If you believe your child may need treatment for a cavity, call the team at Marshfield Pediatric Dentistry at (781) 205-1124. You can also stop by our office, located at 3 Proprietors Drive, Marshfield, MA 02050.