Remove Damaged and Infected Teeth
Tooth Extractions IN MARSHFIELD
Ideally, children will go through the entire process of oral development without prematurely losing any of their baby teeth. However, if a tooth is seriously damaged or infected, it may need to be removed to prevent the spread of infection and ensure proper oral development. At Marshfield Pediatric Dentistry, with Dr. Julie’s caring, child-friendly attitude, you will feel comfortable knowing your child is being well taken care of.

Keeping Your Child Safe And Comfortable
Basic Extractions
Basic extractions are a fairly routine procedure and can be performed in just a few minutes. This treatment typically requires only a local anesthetic, though we also offer sedation options for children who may be nervous about their procedure. Once the extraction is complete, we also offer space maintainers to help your child avoid any issues with oral development until their permanent teeth grow in.

Signs That Your Child
Needs An Extraction
There are a few different signs that may indicate an extraction is right for your child. First, if they have an infected baby tooth or adult tooth, and endodontic treatment like a pulpotomy or root canal therapy is not enough to remove the infection and save the tooth, an extraction may be necessary.
Tooth extractions also may be necessary if your child has experienced severe oral trauma. For example, if they slip and fall and break a tooth, the damage may be too great to save the tooth, in some cases. Dr. Julie Hantson will examine their mouth and determine if the tooth can be saved, or if it should be pulled and replaced to protect your child’s oral health.
Some kids may also need tooth extractions if they have severe orthodontic issues and are going to be getting phase 1 orthodontic treatment or braces. If your child has very crowded teeth and a narrow palate, for example, one or more teeth may be pulled during the treatment process to help correct their bite and tooth position.
If you have an older teenager, they may need their wisdom teeth to be extracted. These teeth erupt much later than the rest of their teeth, and most people don’t have enough room for them. If your teenager is complaining of a stiff jaw, has soreness and pain in the rear of their mouth, or is experiencing gum inflammation near their rear teeth, this may indicate that their wisdom teeth are growing incorrectly, and might require extraction.
What To Expect From
The Tooth Extraction Process
The process of a “basic” or “simple” extraction is quite easy to understand. To begin with, Dr. Hantson will clean and numb the treatment area. Your child can also be sedated for their comfort.
Once the extraction site has been prepared, Dr. Hantson will use a variety of dental tools to grab the tooth and loosen it in the socket. After it has been sufficiently loosened, she will grab it with a dental forceps and pull it out.
Then, the tooth extraction site is cleaned and sutured shut to help it heal properly. This process will be repeated if your child requires multiple tooth extractions.
How Do I Care For My Child's Mouth
After A tooth extraction
Dr. Hantson will provide you with a set of comprehensive recovery instructions to follow after your child’s tooth extraction at Marshfield Pediatric Dentistry. There are a few important things you’ll have to do to keep their mouth healthy.
First, make sure your child avoids using straws or spitting forcefully for 24-72 hours after treatment. This can dislodge the blood clot that forms where your child’s tooth used to be, causing “dry socket,” a painful and inconvenient complication.
Your child also should not brush near the extraction site for at least 24 hours. After a few days, they can resume brushing near the site. To clean the extraction site itself, it’s recommended to gently rinse and gargle with salt water.
Your little one also should eat mostly soft foods for at least 1-3 days after surgery. After this time, they can resume a more normal diet, but they should not eat hard, crunchy, or tough foods for at least 1-2 weeks. For more information about caring for your child’s mouth, consult with the instructions provided to you by Dr. Hantson.
When is a Tooth Extraction Necessary?
Understanding Common Reasons
Many different situations can result in the necessity of a tooth extraction. Severe tooth decay is the most common. If a tooth is infected and cannot be saved with a pulpotomy, it may need to be removed completely to avoid damage to other teeth. Oral trauma, such as an injury that loosens or damages your child’s tooth can also result in a required extraction. If your child is preparing for orthodontic treatment, extractions may also be necessary. Dr. Julie will assess your child’s tooth to determine whether removal is recommended.
Gentle Extractions for Kids of All Ages
Visit Marshfield Pediatric Dentistry Today
We understand that a tooth extraction can be emotional, both for you and your child. Our friendly, compassionate team will strive to make sure you and your child are well-informed and comfortable throughout the entire process. If you think that your child may need a tooth extraction, give us a call now at (781) 205-1124 to schedule your appointment, or come by our office at 3 Proprietors Drive, Marshfield, MA 02050.